We provide bespoke tutoring, using only experienced and well qualified tutors. Our tutors are dedicated to improving understanding through skills learnt in their teaching career, providing personalised and well planned sessions for the individual student to help them to make progress at both GCSE and A level.
We at RAIM Tutoring pride ourselves in the bespoke and personalised tutoring service that begins with an initial assessment. This allows us to look at the areas of maths that we need to focus on over a series of sessions and then follow this up with a check out to ensure understanding before moving on to the other areas. Each grade at GCSE is split into three, each consisting of a mixture of algebra, number, geometry and statistics. One-to-one tutoring means the tutor is able to fully focus on the exact skills that the student needs to improve, to achieve maximum progress.
Since the Covid 19 pandemic hit in March 2020 tutors around the world have transferred to online. We have developed our skills at RAIM Tutoring to adapt to this and we are really pleased with the platform that we use to support our online tuition. Watch the video to look at an example of us using bramble.io.
Lead Tutor : £35
Fully Qualified Tutor : £30